Bataille entre Le Vengeur et le HMS Diamond devant Le Hâvre le 18 avril 1796
Aquatinte en couleurs gravée par Joseph Jeakes (1778-1829)
d’après John Thomas Serres (Londres 1759 – Londres 1825)
et un dessin de J. Boxer
Publié à Londres en septembre 1803
Feuille : 460 x 640 mm
Coup de planche : 450 x 615 mm
« His Magesty’s Frigate the Diamond, commanded by Captain Sir Sidney Smith, K.S. being on a named Le Vengeur, laying in the Inner road of Havre de Grace; the following force was detached for that purpose on 18 april 1796, acting Lieutenant Goodall, Mate. I.W. Wright, L. Boxer, Carroll, Morris, Beecroft, Coulson, Harvey, Midshipmen. The Mugger was boarded & that it became necessary to anchor, and wait either for wind enough to stem it, or for the ebb. In this situation there came out against them not less than 100 land troops, besides a number of small boats armed from the Town. There was hardly time to put the 50 french prisoners into a seaman mortally wounded in the fence by grapeshot; besides whom Mr Beecroft was wounded in the hip and lost two fingers of the left hand, rigging out the pieces; want of ammunition, and the duty of husbanding the lives of his intrepid followers, obliged Sir Sidney Smith to surrender and Mr Wright, who were sent to Paris & there detained as state prisoners contrary to the cruise off CAPE LA HÈVE. It being thought … »